Prayer is what changes lives.
We absolutely believe in the effectual working of prayer in the life of every believer in Jesus Christ. We
have been diligent to pray over and anoint every aspect of every room in the house and have prayer
walked all of the grounds. Many guests have commented on how much peace they feel even as they
pull down into the driveway. Several have reported encountering “thin places” in the atmosphere as
they walked the grounds. The chapel/healing room has a precious anointing on it where the presence of
God is experienced, and lives have been touched and changed.
As a ministry, we have a weekly intercessory prayer meeting here on Thursdays from 10:00-12p where
we present this ministry for the Lord’s purposes. We pray for the guests that will be visiting us, that
everyone will have the encounter they want and need and for what the Father wants for them. We pray
for our local community healing and revitalization.
An aspect of intercession that we are very active in is in the understanding of being a “People of
Blessing” in the name of Jesus Christ. We pray blessings upon everyone who steps onto the property.
We bless others beyond our property and into the local community that the hand of God will move and
release those who are bound in body, soul and spirit. We bless the centers of influence within our
local community, state and country. And, we bless Israel and pray for the peace of Jerusalem.